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Our Mission

Our mission is to provide high-quality Christian apparel that
is BOLD, tasteful, and testifies to the goodness of the Lord.

❯ We use our business and services to honor the Lord.

❯ We use our products to bless others and spread the gospel.

❯ We us our profits to support the Church and expand the Kingdom of God.

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Our Core Values

These three principles govern how we operate as a business.

       We honor the Lord and place Him first in all that we do. We are committed to following ethical business practices and being good stewards of the resources we have been blessed with.


       Integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is watching. We do our very best to be upright in all aspects of our business--from item descriptions, to sales, to terms & conditions, to how we operate on the back end with our suppliers, employees, etc.

"He who walks with integrity

walks securely, But he who

perverts his ways will

become known."
Proverbs 10:9 - NKJV

1. GOD First

"But as for me and my house,

we will serve the Lord.” 
Joshua 24:15 - NKJV

3. Superior QUALITY

       We are committed to offering apparel that is of a superior quality. Our garments are made with finer raw materials and

additional processing that improves the durability, longevity, and hand (feel/softness). Our professionalism is second to none!

"And whatever you do, do it heartily,

as to the Lord and not to men,"
Colossians 3:23 - NKJV

Our Vision

Our vision is to be the premiere brand in quality Christian apparel; not for our own glory or achievement, but that God the Father would be honored in all of it.

I truly believe that we are the BEST CHRISTIAN CLOTHING BRAND out there and we are just getting started!

1. Our quality is as good if not better than other brands.
2. Our customer service is second to none.
3. We are firmly grounded in the Word of God—not weak, not lukewarm.
4. As we grow, we will continue to increase our giving to the Church.
5. Threads That Testify will continue to grow and be known as a ministry, not just a clothing brand—countless thousands will be saved!

"Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin..." -Zechariah 4:10 - NLT

I'm not looking at where we are right now—I'm focused on where God is taking us and I am looking for strong Christians to join us on this journey! I want YOU to be able to look back and say, "I was there with them in the beginning and I supported them!

Your Friend,
Mike Lee
Threads That Testify

Our Story

       In mid-2022, the Lord laid it upon my heart to start this brand and to name it ‘Threads That Testify’. We are a brand with a purpose! As our name implies, we offer apparel that boldly & tastefully testifies to the goodness of the Lord! Our apparel is meant to encourage, uplift, & motivate others. We are more than a brand—we are a community! 

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Behind The Brand


Mike Lee  |  President  |  Threads That Testify |  Pittsburgh, PA, USA


Hi, I'm Mike and in 2022, by the leading of the Lord, I started Threads That Testify.

I have spent many months deeply searching for what the Lord wanted me to do with this brand and with this platform He has given me.

I feel strongly that I have been assigned the following tasks:

1. Create BOLD apparel for those unashamed of the Gospel.
2. Glorify God & place Him first in all aspects of this business.
3. Share my story, Teach the Word and mentor & encourage others.
4. Support other ministries & Christian Organizations

Through the power of God, I have overcome many obstacles and setbacks in my life. If I had let statistics write the story of my life--I most likely would have ended up as a functioning alcoholic--but I thank God that He is author of my life, not statistics nor my circumstances. I have added some brief bullet points here, but you can read more of my story on the blog by clicking on the button below. I will share more of my story as time goes on.


Your Friend Always,

Mike Lee | President

Threads That Testify

Declare & Believe!

  • I attended 8 different schools growing up, including public, private, homeschool & cyber school. I struggled in all of them...

  • I repeated 5th & 6th grade, failed 10th, & officially am a dropout with a GED.

  • In 2010 I was accepted into the US Air Force and served for 11 years before separating.

  • I have just shy of 2 years of college credit from the USAF in Logistics and have nearly 3 years towards a degree in Criminal Justice.

  • In 2017, my mom purchased a small ice cream shop called Remember When Ice Cream & I have helped her run & manage it ever since.

  • In mid-2022 the Lord called me to start this clothing brand and began giving me a voice & a passion to encourage & uplift others.

Want to join our team?

We are always accepting applications. 

Email us at to apply.

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