Welcome to the family of God!
Your life will never be the same!
God keeps His promises!
Trust Him! He will never leave you
or forget about you!
He will see you through!
I am so glad you boldly chose to give your life to Jesus! This short video will give a brief rundown of the next steps you should take.
Don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions or need help!
If you have questions, email me!

Now that you've made the decision to leave sin behind and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, get ready for a transformation like no other! I would love to keep in touch with you and offer prayer, guidance, and friendship as you need it. I am here to walk alongside you every step of the way!
I have provided some resources below to help you on your new journey. Don't worry, there are no sales pitches, fees, or requests for donations--freely I have received from the Lord, freely I give to you. I have carefully selected each of these to help you overcome any challenges that you may have battled in the past. Whatever struggles you've been facing, be it addiction, anger, anxiety, depression, sickness, or anything else, just know that you are only one prayer away from experiencing a true miracle!
"17. The Lord hears his people when they call to him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles. 18. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed." -Psalms 34:17-18
That is you! You are clean & pure in God's eyes. You are one of His people and He counts you among the righteous.
"11. For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord . “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. 12. In those days when you pray, I will listen. 13. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me." -Jeremiah 29:11-13
The Lord loves you so much! I am so excited to see what He does in your life, because He is a good God and when He lifts you up out of your troubles, He receives the glory and honor from it, to the shame of the devil! Please keep in touch! You can find me on all social platforms @t3mikelee, I promise to do my best at answering all messages. You can also email me at
You can lay your head to the pillow knowing you are right with God.
I pray that God bless you and honor this step of faith you have taken.
I look forward to talking with you soon!
Your Friend Always,
Mike Lee

Free Resources:
The Bible is God's Word
One of the most important and powerful tools a Christian has is the Bible. The Bible is the true Word of God. It tells us what is true and what is false, it gives us the Lord's guidance and wisdom to make it through challenging situations. His Word instructs us and tells us what good things He has in store for us and how we can access them. The Bible is the key to knowing the heart of the Lord and understanding who He is. It gives us the ability to know right from wrong and how we can life a full, blessed, abundant life. *If you would like a physical Bible, please email me at
Virtual Books
These materials are free to use and download. They are written by strong men of God who are more experienced and knowledgeable than myself. These books will answer some basic questions and help you begin your walk with the Lord. If you still have questions, feel free to contact me and I will answer any questions you have and show you where in the Bible that topic is addressed. I have a heart to teach and to mentor, so if there are any materials you would like to see, just let me know. Email:
How To Be Born Again -Billy Graham
Have you ever wondered if it's truly possible to experience a complete transformation in life? The expression "born again” is not a new buzzword created by the media, it has actually has been around for nearly two thousand years. It was a dark night in the ancient city of Jerusalem when Jesus himself spoke these powerful words to one of the religious leaders of His time. He said, "I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God" (John 3:3). So, what does being "born again" actually mean? It means the old person you were before Christ, that person—that wayward life—has died and a new person has been born. This is the strongest possible way Jesus could illustrate a new start. This book will walk you through the powerful transformation that you have just gone through.
Don't Blame God
-Dr. Kenneth Hagin
Have you and your family endured tragedy & hardship? Maybe you were like me and always heard things like, "God made that person sick to teach them a lesson." But that is NOT what the Bible says! John 10:10 [Jesus speaking] "The thief's purpose is to steal, kill, and destroy. My purpose is to give them [you & me] a rich and satisfying life." Reading this book will help you learn who God is and how He works. He certainly does not hurt us, all good things come from the Lord, but all bad things come from satan.
Victory & Dominion Over Fear
-Dr. Lester Sumrall
This book aims to confront one of the most significant problems of our time, fear, and support individuals in overcoming obstacles that can bring us down. Its content is the result of extensive research conducted in practical and experimental laboratories of human behavior over a span of more than fifty years. Having had the opportunity to interact with people from diverse cultures, Dr. Sumrall has witnessed the prevalence of mental illness in various parts of the world. Through his experience counseling individuals in over 100 countries, he came to the conclusion that fear, regardless of one's race, ethnicity, or background, is one of the most perplexing and tormenting adversaries a person can face. Satan is a liar and uses fear to hinder and paralyze people. Taking dominion over fear through the power of God is a crucial step for the believer to walk in victory.
Do Yourself No Harm -Keith Moore
Have you ever felt completely hopeless or had a voice in your head say it’s not going to get better? Well, don't listen to it, because it's a bunch of lies! The devil has been a liar from day one. He's weak and tries to manipulate people into destroying themselves. But it doesn't have to stay that way! You have someone on your side, someone who loves you unconditionally—Jesus. He came to break that curse and when He died on the cross 2,000 years ago, the Bible says Jesus descended down into hell, took the keys of death from satan & kicked him in the skull before ascending into Heaven and sitting next to God the Father. As Christians, we have been given that power too, we don’t have to live in defeat and hopelessness, we just need to access that power by calling on the name of Jesus!
The Holy Spirit: Activating God’s Power in Your Life
-Billy Graham
Man possesses two fundamental spiritual needs: forgiveness and goodness. Whether consciously or unconsciously, the essence of our being yearns for both of these. Our heartfelt cry for forgiveness was heard by God, who responded by sending His only Son to Calvary to bear the burden of our sins. Through His sacrifice, we are granted the incredible gift of salvation. However, God also attuned Himself to our second plea, the cry for goodness. In response, He bestowed His blessings upon us at Pentecost. God doesn't desire us to embrace faith in Christ only to live lives marked by defeat, discouragement, and discord. Instead, His intention is to satisfy our longing for goodness and empower us to live a life that embodies the works of faith. This divine power has been made availible to us through the Holy Spirit, which is our "Helper" to enable us to carry out all the good works of the Lord and live a life of victory.
Audio & Video Teachings
Here you will find some basic, fundamental teachings on what it means to be saved and how to walk with the Lord. These are just some of the most basic things a new Christian should know. Watch or listen to each of these messages to learn more. I highly recommend watching them with a Bible or Bible app at hand as well as a way of taking notes. These videos are absolutely packed with information that will help you walk in freedom & victory! See what God has to say about you!
10 Unbreakable Promises
God Made to You
-Ev. Jon Shuttlesworth
How Can I Be Sure of My Salvation?
-Ev. Tiff Shuttlesworth
The Greatest Message On Faith Ever Preached!
-Dr. Lester Sumrall
Redeemed From Poverty, Sickness, and Spiritual Death"
- Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin
PLAYLIST - I Just Got Saved: Things Every New Christian Should Know
Personal Testimony - Overcoming Pill & Heroin Addiction
Jesus Set Me Free From OCD & Anxiety
-Ev. TJ Malcangi
Israel, War &
Final Prophecy
-Ev. Tiff Shuttlesworth
The Mandelbrot Set: Atheists’ Worst Nightmare
Top 6 Most Convincing Evidences of Noah’s Flood
AUDIO - What to do When You're Going Through The Darkest TIme Of Your Life
AUDIO - Things That Come With Salvation
AUDIO - 20 Things to Consider Before Marriage
AUDIO - 10 Things Every Teenager Should Know
AUDIO - Making Sin Your Slave
Preferred Mobile Apps
In addition to the YouVersion© Bible app in section 01, these are some of my favorite apps! They have been great tools that have helped me grow closer to the Lord, have increased my understanding, and have helped me study the Word of God.
I am sure they will bless you as well!
Revival Today
It is vital to regularly hear preaching that is in-line with the Bible. This app has thousands of messages that will both fill your spirit and teach you who God really is. Receive biblical teaching on faith, healing, prosperity, freedom from sin, and living a victorious life - anytime, anywhere. This app is ★★★★★.
Bible Study
The Bible Study app by Olive Tree is perfect for those who want to delve deeper into the Bible. What I love most about this app are the cross-references. With clickable links that show where else that same idea or topic is mentioned, it has never been easier to to be fully immersed in God's Word.
Ok, this app is really cool! It is a great tool for studying the Bible—for both new and seasoned Christians! *This app is designed to work with Filament-enabled print Bibles. It is not a Bible app, but a unique print + digital Bible experience that uses your iPhone or iPad. With your physical Bible open, use the app to scan the page you are reading. Your iPhone/iPad recognizes the page and instantly connects you to content centered around that passage. You'll get access to in-depth study notes, profiles of key people mentioned, articles about important themes, devotionals, streaming audio, videos, and interactive maps that will help you really get a feel for the world of the Bible. Filament also includes the opportunity to build your daily Bible reading habit with reading plans, designed to give you a simple list of the pages you need to read to keep on track with your Bible reading goals, whether it is to read through the entire Bible or just to get a sense for what the Bible says about a key topic.