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Threads That Testify: How It All Began

Updated: Oct 10, 2022

The story behind the name & purpose of Threads That Testify

Hi, I’m Mike Lee and I am the founder and president of Threads That Testify. Many companies have a long, glamorous backstory about how they have been around for decades—but that is not our story. In fact, we are just getting started!

In December of 2020, I received a supernatural word of wisdom from my pastor that the Lord was opening a new door and giving me a voice to ‘speak’. At that time I had no idea what that would look like or how I would accomplish it…whatever ‘it’ was that I was being called to do. Since that time, the Lord has revealed to me that He wants me to share more of my story and testimony and encourage and mentor others. This company is one way He is allowing me to do that, but I certainly do not want to limit the Lord and say this is all He has for me. This is just the beginning and I am happy to be used in every way He wants to use me! Fast forward to around mid-2022. At this time in particular, I was specifically seeking the Lord and what He was calling me to do at this point in my life. I had been feeling this growing boldness to publicly display and share my faith, but in a compassionate, respectful way that was loving towards others. It was this desire to be bold, but without the overbearing, judgmental, and often tactless, “Bible thumping” many of us have witnessed some Christians dish out to nonbelievers. Despite the growing boldness I felt stirring inside, I still did not have the slightest clue as to what I was being called to do, which was somewhat frustrating. One day in July, I was visiting my friend Julia for her birthday. She had noticed some of the vinyl decals that I had designed and placed on my laptop and commented that they would look good on a t-shirt. When she said that, something sparked in my spirit to take some of the bold, Christian-based designs/ideas I had been playing around with and start a clothing brand. About a week later, I was driving and worshipping the Lord. I was thinking about how I wanted my designs to reach people and declare the goodness of the God. I had no leading in what to call this company up to this point, so I quickly and passively prayed, “Lord, what do I call this brand?” The Holy Spirit quickly replied and I immediately felt a quiet still voice in my spirit that said, “Threads That Testify.” I instantly liked the name, but was too focused on driving and worshipping to really dwell on it. When I had a chance, I quickly entered it into the notes app on my phone, right next to the other designs and ideas the Lord had been downloading to me over the past week, and I continued n with my day. Later that night, while walking and spending time in deep prayer, the Lord quickened to me that the logo was to be three crosses--as in three 't's for "Threads That Testify." That name has really attached itself to my spirit, because that is literally the purpose and mission of this brand--to testify to the goodness of the Lord and spread the word of the incredible price that was paid to break us free from the bondage the enemy has over this world. As I continued to press in to the Lord for guidance, He has repeatedly confirmed to me that it is in fact His will for me to start this business at this time. I feel the Spirit of the Lord is leading me to create apparel that is carefully designed to make bold statements about our faith as believers, while also opening the door for honest, genuine conversation in the workplace, schools, and out in public. Christ never shamed or looked down upon nonbelievers. He also never shied away from his calling, but instead reached out to the lost in love and compassion. It is time for the church to leave the building and go out into the world in faith, love, and boldness.

As I set out on this journey, I invite you to follow along and grow with me! Prior to July, I really had no intention of even starting my own brand. It's wild to think that in literally 4 months, almost down to the day, this has gone from just a thought to a line of physical products that people want to wear. I have nothing to say other than praise be to God and thank you for supporting me! There are no limits with the Lord! Amen!

Much Love!

Mike Lee | President Threads That Testify

"Declare & Believe!"

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