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Privacy Policy Regarding Submissions

  • Please review the following bullet points prior to submitting any information.

  • We do not sell any personal information to any entity.

1) Testimonies:
       If you have a testimony or praise report you would like to submit, we may share it on our blog, website, newsletter, publications, and/or social media unless indicated otherwise.

       If you are ok with the testimony being shared as you have written it, please select, “Yes, you may share this testimony as written.”

       If you do not want it to be shared, please select the option, “No, I ask that you keep this testimony private.” Indicating that you do not want it to be shared publicly. We will honor this request and not share it.

       If you are comfortable with the testimony being shared, but would like to keep some anonymity, you may alter the names of the individuals for privacy or select the option, “You may share, but please alter the names used.” We will honor this request and alter the names of those involved in order to protect your privacy.

       Any testimony or story that is written in a way that disparages, mocks, ridicules, or otherwise puts down others will not be shared. We are to build up one another & lift praise and glory to the credit of God and His goodness! Testimonies will be posted as time and resources permit.


  • We will never post sensitive information such as phone numbers, addresses, or email addresses.

  • We reserve the right to not post any testimony at any time for any reason.     

2) Prayer Requests:
       We want to pray for you, your family, and any needs you may have! Prayer requests will remain confidential and only be seen and prayed for by our prayer team here at Threads That Testify. This team consists of myself, Mike Lee, President, and others that I personally have vetted and fully trust. Prayer requests should be in line with God’s Word and His will. That is to say, any prayer requests that go against what Scripture says will not be honored. There are too many unique scenarios to list every possibility, but these include requests that are calling for any harm, sickness, hardship, destruction, etc. to come upon another person. God is good and His Word tells us that He wants people to find Him, find Salvation, be healed, prosper, and bless others. Prayers should be for one another, not against anyone.


       We also do not pray for the Lord to forgive your sins. YOU pray for the Father to forgive your sins. You have been given that authority and if you repent with sincerity, the Word says that the Father forgives you. The Scriptures make it abundantly clear that as a result of Christ conquering the grave, man now has a direct line with God. This is covered in great detail in Hebrews 9. You do not need a priest or any other person to forgive you or to ask God to forgive you—that was the way it was in the Old Testament, but Christ Himself is the High Priest who has given us direct access to the Father. You ask God yourself. The same is true of Salvation. We can pray that the Lord will send people into the path of your friend or loved one and that they may reach them, but we cannot pray that the Lord will directly give someone else Salvation. Each person must make that decision for Christ themselves.

  • Prayer requests will remain private and will never be posted or shared publicly.

3) Feedback:
       We want to hear from you! We are just getting started & we strive for excellence! Our third core value is “superior quality”. If we are doing well—we want to know! If we are missing the mark—we want to know! If you see any areas for improvement or have ideas for products, services, etc. that we can offer—pleas let us know!

       We would prefer to be informed of any issues prior to you leaving a review. We believe in resolving issues at the lowest level and as quickly & efficiently as possible. Unfortunately, in today’s world, many people leave a negative review as the first course of action, only to have the company reach out to correct it & then they regret leaving that review, or have to leave a second, positive review regarding the customer service the company provided. If at all possible, please let us help you prior to posting bad reviews. You may reach us via email at

       If you are interested in posting a review, you may do so by clicking on the blue ‘reviews’ tab on the left side of your screen. This will allow you to select a star rating and write a review. If you prefer, you may also submit written reviews/feedback with or without pictures/video to us via email at

4) Inquiries:
       If you have any business inquiries, please reach out to us either by filling out the information form on the “Contact Us” page or by emailing us at

5) Other:
       If none of the 4 options listed above pertain to your request, please select “other” and leave your message. This information will be processed & shared responsibly and accordingly based on the submission/request.


  • We value your privacy and have implemented these privacy policies to keep your best interest in mind. In accordance with our second core value, “Integrity Always,” we strive to always do our best to be transparent and forth coming with what information we use and how we use it.


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